Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Look on His Face

When I have emotional pain, I'm always convinced that it's worse than physical pain. But then I get the flu, and I am like, there is no possible way that anything is worse than this. Probably the worst part is that it's degrading. You're helpless in every way, and also it's just plain gross.

Anyway, I had the flu yesterday. I also prayed a lot. About that, mostly, but other things too. And the thing is, sometimes I've heard it can be a good thing when you're praying to imagine God's face. This seems like a good enough idea to me. Of course He's smiling when you pray to Him, because He accepts even our smallest offerings, and loves us so, just as if you were in love with someone, you would be happy with any way that they reach out to you, even if it's not the exact thing you wanted to hear.

Normally, that makes sense, and I like accepting that His face is smiling at me. But when I am helplessly suffering, I just can't imagine the look on His face. Frankly, I wouldn't want Him to be smiling. That would be ignoring the horrible pain I am in, a pain to which death seems preferable. I would be so pissed if one of my friends or family members was just smiling at me in that situation. But God is a happy person, they say. And for Him to be crying would make it seem like He was helpless, too, helpless to save me. Which I know He is not. Whatever face He has, He's never desperately wringing His hands and fretting.

I just can't picture Him.

1 comment:

  1. I find this interesting since they did an exercise like this in lifegroup on Sunday, I say they because I was upstairs as usual and missed this. The group was told to picture looking into His eyes...little more intimidating than His face, and perhaps a little less offensive?
